When Is The Best Time To Lay Sod In Central Texas?

When you are looking to install sod in Central Texas, look at the way the sod is divided. You might think that each piece is a certain area and that width of your lawn will be as wide as any one single piece of sod. However, this isn’t always true.
Sod companies group their pieces together in order to sell blocks of grass sod at a discounted rate for customers who don’t mind less than perfect edges or those with not nearly enough grass for their yard. This means if you want the best looking yard, then lay out your new sod grass strips on separate days and on separate occasions throughout the first few weeks after installation so they have time to root and recover from being move around.
“You don’t want to mow them just right away because the ground needs time to settle and recover. You also don’t want to wait a week or two weeks after laying sod grass because it won’t look as good as if you lay it out progressively.”
When is the best time of year to lay sod in Central Texas?
This depends on your area’s climate. In Texas, for example, some people lay their lawn in October while others prefer not doing so until Springtime. This entirely depends on your geographical location and current weather condition. The best way to know when the right time is for you is by analyzing soil quality throughout the year prior to installation. If your grass isn’t growing well during springtime but starts kicking up in mid-summer then you should start laying out your new lawn around May or June depending on how much growth your grass is producing a month.
In Central Texas, soil temperature can be as low as 40°F in early spring to over 70°F during summertime. The best way to ensure that you lay out your new lawn at the right time of year is by consulting with a professional before making any moves. This will give you the most accurate answer and also help avoid unnecessary loss of sod grass due to poor timing.
When should I water my new high quality sod grass?
You must first wait until the ground has settled and restored its original state. Once this has been completed, it’s okay for you to start watering your sod so long as you do so correctly and on a consistent basis once every one or two days depending on the humidity. Once the roots have been established, you will only need to water once a week. This all depends on how much rainwater is supplied in your local area throughout the year.
Soil conditions still play a role in when the best time to install sod. If your grass is growing well with ease and hardly ever seems dry or doesn’t seem to want to absorb any rainfall, then it’s likely that you’ll be okay watering two times per day up until late summertime when August begins. All-year round it’s important that you don’t overwater your lawn because this can cause problems such as root rot.
When is the best time to lay St. Augustine sod in Central Texas?
St. Augustine is a type of grass that requires different treatment in terms of when to lay sod because it needs a higher temperature and more direct sunlight than other varieties.
In Central Texas, the best time to lay St Augustine sod is from February up until September. This isn’t an unfaltering rule, however.
Some people prefer laying their new lawn out in either late-spring or mid-summertime because they don’t want a frosty October surprise where there’s a chance that their grass will die before it turns brown due to soil freezing over. Some can get away with laying their lawn out in late summertime because by this point, the ground has already been soaked and dried twice throughout the year which causes severe damage such as cracking to the earth surface. If you’re one of these people who aren’t fond of waiting long periods without having any grass whatsoever, then early autumn might be the best time for you to lay out your new lawn.
If you’re still unsure of when to lay your sod, then considering looking into hiring a professional. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it while also learning why it’s important that you follow their advice in order for your grass to prosper during the first couple of years after installation.
Bermuda grass is another type of grass that is native to Texas. Bermuda grass needs a hot summer in order for you to lay it out during this time.
How much sod do you need?
Typically, you’ll need around 625 square feet of sod for an area that’s 5′ x 6′. Of course this all depends on how large your lawn is.
When is the best time to lay zoysia sod in Central Texas?
Zoysia is a type of grass that can be laid all year round so long as the ground temperature is at least 50°F. Once your soil reaches this temperature, you can start laying out your new lawn without having to worry about anything getting damaged such as roots. Make sure to water every day until the root system has been properly established in order for your zoysia to grow strongly.
How much does it cost to lay sod in Central Texas?
It varies depending on what time of year you decide to lay down your new yard, how large an area you need covered, and if you hire someone or not.
Typically speaking though, laying turf in early summertime costs less than doing so during mid-summertime or early autumn. Sod is cheaper in early summertime compared to late summertime, which can sometimes be avoided if you get laid your zoysia sod during the spring.
How late in the year can you lay sod in Central Texas?
You can plant sod as late as September or early October before the first frost hits depending on your geographical location. However, this is only if you aren’t experiencing any harsh drought conditions. If your grass is still growing well and finding it easy to absorb rainfall rather than let it run off, then go ahead and lay out your new lawn until late fall because there is no risk of root rot at this point in the year. Root rot occurs when soil becomes saturated with too much water for too long that it actually begins to choke out grass roots which eventually leads to dead patches of grass all over the place.
If you’re wondering how soon is too soon after laying sod, then its best not to wait any longer than a week or two after sod installation. Watering your new lawn must be done on a consistent basis during this stage in order to further ensure that the roots aren’t starved of moisture.
There are different types of sod, and they grow at different rates. Consult with a professional before laying high quality sod grass to best determine the right time for your climate and the type of grass you have.
I hope this post was helpful and sheds some light on when and what you should do before installing new sod. If you require further assistance, then feel free to contact Grass Works Austin Lawn Care to schedule your free consultation at (512) 797-1640 to learn more about our services or request an appointment online via the form below.
You may also enjoy reading: Fall Lawn Care Tips for Central Texas.

Ferris MyCue is the founder and owner of Grass Works Lawn Care, LLC located in Leander, TX. As a former firefighter who maintained yards on his days off, he saw a need for a dependable, local maintenance company that knew the hill country climate and could deliver quality landscaping services for a reasonable price. Since 2007 he has used his leadership to grow the company into one of the top landscape maintenance companies in Austin and surrounding areas offering landscape maintenance, design, and irrigation services to both residential and commercial clients. Ferris is also a member of the Seasonal Employment Alliance (SEA) and an active participant in advocacy efforts to help promote cap relief.